the taste of buffalo milk
and the lightness of cow's milk

How good is buffalo milk?

We know it well: for lovers of the Campania dairy tradition, the real mozzarella is buffalo mozzarella, there is no doubt. Its taste, its typical texture, the pearly color and the quality of its milk are all characteristics of an inimitable product. Buffalo milk is characterized by a concentration of lactobacilli, almost absent in cow’s milk, whose metabolic activity determines the typical and very tasty flavor of buffalo mozzarella, which is therefore confirmed as a protein and therefore very nutritious food.

How good is cow's milk?

Not everyone knows that cow’s milk is a recommended product for everyone’s good nutrition, because it provides our body with the right amount of protein and calories, so much so that it is considered a complete food. It is good for the bones, because it is rich in calcium, and helps us to rebalance the intestinal bacterial flora thanks to the presence of live lactic ferments.

In cow’s milk there is less fat, a characteristic that makes it much lighter and more digestible – it is in fact recommended for feeding infants – and consequently has a lighter and clearer color than buffalo milk, which it is more opaque.

La Principessa is the new mozzarella that Caseificio Principe offers to all those who want flavor and digestibility, combining the unique taste of buffalo milk and the lightness of cow’s milk in a single dairy product.

This mozzarella is really La Principessa: buffalo or cow, the milk is always and absolutely 100% Italian.




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    Caseificio Principe - certificati


    La Mozzarella di Bufala Campana DOP
    del Caseificio Principe viene prodotta
    SOLO nello storico stabilimento
    a QUALIANO, dal 1965!

    La Mozzarella di Bufala Campana DOP del Caseificio Principe
    viene prodotta SOLO nello storico stabilimento a QUALIANO, dal 1965!

    The PDO Campania Buffalo Mozzarella by Caseificio Principe
    is produced only in historic plant in Qualiano, since 1965!